Starting off your with a healthy well
balanced diet is the best thing you do for yourself
and your baby. This way, you'll only need to make
a few adjustments during your pregnancy.
Your first trimester
If you find it tough to maintain a balanced diet
during your first trimester, you can rest assured
that your not alone. Due to queasiness, some
women will eat all of the time and gain a lot of
weight in the process. Other women have trouble
getting food down and subsequently lose weight.
Preventing malnutrition and dehydration are your
most important factors during first trimester.
When you are pregnant, you need to consume around
300 calories more than usual every day. The best
way to go about doing this is listening to your
body when you are hungry. You should try to eat
as many foods as possible from the bottom of the
food pyramid.
If you gain weight too slow, try eating small
meals and slightly increase the fat in your diet.
You should always eat when you are hungry, as you
are now eating for 2 instead of one.
By the second trimester, you'll need around 1,500
milligrams of calcium each day for your bones and
your baby', which is more than a quart of milk.
Calcium is something that's missing from many
diets. Along with milk, other great sources for
calcium include dairy products, calcium fortified
juices, and even calcium tablets.
Fiber can help to prevent constipation, which is
a common pregnancy problem. You can find fiber in
whole grains, fruits, and even vegetables. Fiber
supplements such as Metamucil and Citrucel are
safe to take during pregnancy.
Unless you happen to be a strict vegetarian, your
protein intake is not normally a problem for women
who eat a healthy diet.
A lot of women will start their pregnancy off with
a bit of iron deficiency. Good sources of iron
include dark leafy green vegetables and meats. Iron
supplements should be avoided, as they can cause
internal symptoms such as cramping, constipation,
or diarrhea.
Seeing as how you get a majority of the vitamins you
need in your diet, you may want to discuss prenatal
vitamins with your doctor. Folate is one of the most
important, and if you are getting enough of it, you
may be able to avoid vitamins all together - just ask
your doctor to make sure.
The 2001 No Child Left Behind Act provided many programs for students through out the country. In the Memphis Schools it made free pre-kindergarten and extra tutoring by teachers during school hours available to help achieve higher test scores and. Also, Memphis Schools’ low-income students received free extra-curricular tutoring.
However, an extensive study but the University of Memphis found that these students are not getting ahead, and the Memphis Schools are not gett...
Memphis Schools, Patricia Hawke
Article Body:
The 2001 No Child Left Behind Act provided many programs for students through out the country. In the Memphis Schools it made free pre-kindergarten and extra tutoring by teachers during school hours available to help achieve higher test scores and. Also, Memphis Schools’ low-income students received free extra-curricular tutoring.
However, an extensive study but the University of Memphis found that these students are not getting ahead, and the Memphis Schools are not getting what they are paying for.
The Center for Research in Educational Policy recently set up a review of Memphis Schools, and of the entire state, to measure the affects of these types of services. They explored such programs as free extra academic help (which in the Memphis Schools includes before and after school tutoring and Title 1 programs).
Supplemental educational services are provided to Title I schools that fail to achieve benchmark performance scores three years in a row. At that point the Memphis Schools are required to provide the services. In Memphis Schools the providers of these services can be companies, local community groups, programs, local colleges and universities, national organizations or church based groups.
In the Memphis Schools there are fourteen companies, groups, or schools, which provided tutoring services to 988 students in math and 512 students in reading and language arts. Some of these charged as much as $1400 per student. While business is booming for the private tutoring industry, the study did not see any improvement in the student’s scores on benchmark testing. Within the Memphis Schools the group found that those eligible that did receive assistance did not score any better than those who were eligible but did not receive the assistance.
The group tested the Memphis Schools students using the Tennessee Comprehensive Assessment Program and Gateway testing scores to determine how the different groups faired. In the areas of math and reading Memphis Schools showed no improvement for those tutored. In fact two of the providers of the tutoring services produced below standard outcomes during the 2005-2006 school year; and the remainder of the Memphis Schools students who received tutoring had insufficient information to determine the outcome.
One problem is keeping track of which students actually used the free services. It is unclear how Memphis Schools plan to eliminate this problem. Clearly, the private tutoring agencies need to show accountability or lose their contract. It was also suggested that teachers receive funding to oversee tutoring by non-profit groups and organizations. Memphis Schools teachers might be a better job at ensuring accountability. Memphis Schools face the huge issue of whether to keep spending their money on methods that don’t seem to be working, fix the methods, or start fresh.
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